Struggling to exercise in the winter? How to increase your motivation and endurance in training

The winter season is setting in, and it’s officially the time when it becomes difficult to get up in the morning and the winter cold could make it harder for you to do your morning jog or workout. While different seasons bring different benefits, finding inspiration for getting out of bed and working out during winters can be difficult. However, as difficult as it can be, exercising in winters can help burn more calories than in summer! Experts also say that with winter temperatures, endurance also increases, which can make workouts all the more effective. Therefore, while workouts are a priority, whether in summer or winter, if your mission is to lose weight and you don’t want to put on extra pounds this winter, here are a few ways shared by the yoga expert Grand Master Akshar to make your fitness. stronger during the winter season:

Walking / Running / Jogging:
Start your exercise routine with a brisk walk or maybe you could jog or run around your block. These are cardiovascular activities that speed up your heart rate and prepare you mentally and physically for your next workout.

Elongation: After your jog or run, be sure to spend a few minutes stretching. Experts recommend stretching before and after your workout, as this prepares your muscles to protect them from injury and also effectively improves your chances of getting leaner and more toned.

Surya Namaskar:
In yoga, Surya Namaskar, also known as the sun salutation, is considered a full body workout. The Surya Namaskar is made up of eight different postures which are sequenced in 12 steps. It starts on the right side and must be completed on both sides for a full cycle. If you are a beginner, you can start with 3 to 5 cycles and gradually increase it to 11, 21 and so on. Practicing this sequence early in the morning will boost vitamin D in your d body and provide many benefits for both physical and mental health.

Energetic breathing: Pranayama is a breathing exercise that can be performed to achieve many health benefits for the mind and body. In winter, techniques such as Kapalbhati Pranayama and Khand Pranayama are suggested to you.

Meditation techniques: There are many meditation techniques that you can practice regularly such as Sthiti Dhyan, Swaas Dhyan, Aarambh Dhyan etc. Here is a simple and powerful meditation technique for developing positivity.

Prathana Dhyan (Meditation in Prayer)


1. Sit in any comfortable position

2. Join your palms in front of your chest to form Pranam Mudra

3. Straighten your back and close your eyes

4. Frame and repeat positive affirmations out loud or silently.

Relaxation: End your workout with complete relaxation of mind and body in the form of Anandasana. Relaxing the body is as important as exercising, as it gives your body the opportunity to rest, recover, and recover.

Posture training:

1. Lie down in a prone position on a comfortable surface or on your yoga mat.

2. Close your eyes.

3. Let your legs relax completely and place them at a comfortably wide apart distance.

4. Drop your ankles and keep your toes facing out to the side.

5. Place your arms at your sides and slightly apart. Make sure your palms are open to the sky and facing upwards.

6. Starting with your toes, focus your attention on every part of your body. Use deep breaths to rock your body into a state of deep relaxation.

7. Stay aware so you don’t fall asleep during the process.

8. To recover posture, roll gently to one side (right) with eyes closed. Slowly push the ground up to go up 9. and sit down in Sukhasana.

Anandasana can be done after you have finished your physical practice, and when you are tired it helps to relax your body completely. This pose forces you to focus and focus on your breathing. When you are in this pose, try to breathe more deeply and quickly.

(With IANS entries)


About Shirley A. Tamayo

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