The best time to exercise during your period.


So, at the very onset of the early follicular phase, that is, when you have your period (usually from the first to the fifth day), you have low estrogen and progesterone levels, and you will also have symptoms. typical of PMS like pain, sore breasts, fatigue, etc.

According to research, during this time, most women will experience reduced motivation and reduced willingness to train.

* By show of hands *

It’s also important to note here that your period is an inflammatory process, which means your body is quite stressed around this time – so you’re going to recover slowly if you work out. It’s sort of how your body tells you to back off on heavy stuff.

Around this time, if you’re feeling well enough, most experts would actually recommend some movement, as moderate-intensity exercise can actually improve menstrual symptoms.

“Moods in PMS – like anger and sadness – there’s a lot of research that shows that exercise can improve these moods, at least for a few hours. So exercising with PMS is one of my big prescriptions for people, ”Sutherland said.

So, if it makes you feel good and you’re not curled up in a fetal position with a hot water bottle, gentle exercise can have its benefits. But yes, now is not the right time to do it all. Just do what works best for you.

“Menstrual cramps are uncomfortable and can make training much more difficult and uncomfortable. Forcing yourself to workout when you’re facing severe cramps won’t be fun and could put you in a position to create a negative relationship with them. exercise, “O. ‘Donnell said.

“If this is you, it would be wise to focus more on mobility and stretching during this time. Breathing exercises and meditation can help some women,” she adds.

When you reach ovulation, your estrogen levels will increase. During this time, you will find that your motivation and energy levels are on the rise.

“Exercise can often seem easier at this point because it’s considered a lower hormonal phase, and we often feel like we can train harder,” says Sutherland. “We access our carbohydrate storage more easily in our body. And again, that’s probably why exercise is a little easier.”

It’s also important to note that estrogen is anabolic, which means it helps build muscle. So, most experts say now is the time to start building your strength, lifting those weights, and doing high intensity exercise.


About Shirley A. Tamayo

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